SHORTS: Story Requests

Hi all,

A long-time supporter and fan gave me an idea.  I’d mention her name here, but she prefers that I not.  However, she knows who she is, and I thank her for this idea.

Periodically, since I’ve shared my work, I’ve gotten “requests” to write particular stories, but I’ve never done this because I have so much other stuff that I am working on.  However, my supporter has suggested that I open myself up to requests for the times when I’m having writers’ block with my longer pieces.  She reminded me that I like a good challenge.  🙂  And that sometimes challenges can foster creativity in me.  (Seph’s Writing Challenges that I’ve done are a good example of this.)

So I figured–why not?  Thus–if you have requests for SHORT STORIES, let me know in the comments below.  (NOTE: A “short” in my mind is anywhere from 1-10 chapters.)  Some might go longer, however, if I’m inspired to keep going!  You know me: long-winded.


Please be aware that I might say no, and please don’t hold it against me if I do.  If your idea just doesn’t spark an idea inside of me, I don’t intend to “force” anything.  Otherwise, writing will seem like a “chore” to me, and reading will become a “chore” to all of you.

I still intend to focus most of my time and energy on my larger stories, but I will try to do one of these “littler stories” once a month or so.


Request parameters:

  • Your request might be for a “side-story” to a larger work (a hole you want me to fill in from one of my already-existing stories).
  • Your request might be a prompt that I “begin” from a particular moment in the books or show and then go in a different direction.
  • Your request might be that I examine a scene from the show/books from a particular character’s perspective.

Things I cannot do:

  • I can’t put my beloved Eric and Sookie into a threesome/foursome/fivesome/orgy, etc.  I don’t share.  And I don’t think I could write a convincing scene where they do.
  • I don’t think I could write certain types of Eric and Sookie (like a submissive Sookie, etc.).
  • I don’t think I could work with “too” much detail.  An idea–yep.  But too many restrictions?  Probably not.
  • I can’t work with something too general, like, “Could you do a rewrite of Season 4?”

I will do you the courtesy of letting you know right away if I don’t think I can fulfill your request based on subject matter.  Again, I hope you won’t be offended if I cannot think of a way to present your story.  Trying to “force” a story just doesn’t work for me.

Otherwise, I will put your request in the “virtual” queue below (or keep it in the comment section) and will try to respond to requests in roughly the order that I get them in (as inspiration strikes)–as long as there is interest.




1. I have at least one idea that I would like to see made into a short story. In Club Dead, the infamous trunk scene. Would love to see you write a story where Eric gets there in time to save Sookie (and if you want to have him accidentally off Bill, that would be a nice bonus). Just a thought. And I think the ideas suggested above are all great ones.

  • (Idea from valady1–March 14, 2015)

2. How about a short story in which Sookie actually tells Eric about the Cluviel Dor,doesn’t save Sam and embraces her supernatural side completely and saves Eric from that binding contract to Freyda?

  • (Idea from melodiusnocturn–March 14, 2015)

3. How about a story where Sookie doesn’t reject Eric and decides to give a chance for a real relationship with him? (Finale Season 4)

  • (Idea from Claudio Carletti–March 15, 2015)

4. How about side story to the CN universe where you deal with how the rift that formed between Earl and Corbett Stackhouse. I’d be interested in seeing the “details” of how it happened.

  • (Idea from jocastasilver–March 15, 2015)

5. I think I’ll back it up and say in book 8, a redo of Sookie’s response to Eric’s memories returning while sitting on her bed. Or a change in their relationship a day or so after the takeover (because her response to his memories returning was a little funny and understandable after the stress of the night and Quinn’s betrayal).

  • (Idea from Sluggysmom–March 24, 2015)

6. Loved your story BOMBSHELL. It gave me an idea for a short. Could you pick things up in the same book–but where Eric and Sookie are dancing? Always loved that scene.

(Idea from Viking Girl–March 24, 2015)

7. What if Eric staked Bill when the trunk lid was opened, how would things be different for them and the story?

(Idea from Kleannhouse–April 2015)

8. I like the idea of Godric joining Roman, that would be a great retelling of True Blood. I’d like a version where Sookie worked for the Authority with Eric as a Chancellor. Maybe Godric could be the one to recruit her!

(Idea from anem72–May 2015)

9. A Banner prompt from Seph–basically, a helmet and an Eric.  From Seph: I was think of a scenario involving that Viking helmet that was found and what came to mind was a human Eric remembering a possible past life or a vampire Eric with a memory of a battle.

(Seph–May 2015)

10. I really like the idea of Eric staking Bill in the trunk scene..Would be a good one.

(Idea from suzi44ky–July 2015)

11. hi CK, big fan of your writing….would love you to write a human story where we are in the guts of their relationship ….starting from the beginning going through the middle of their lives with family and some angst and humor…through till the end….too many stories are about the chase and end once they get married or have that baby…..i would love to see what happens after they have that baby through to aging… maybe a true to life have eric be an actor and take it from there…

(Idea from elliebaby–June 2017)


completed shorts1. BOMBSHELL

Prompt from Switbo:  Personally, I was always appalled that after Eric saves her from being bonded to Andre by letting her bond to him instead, she never so much as thanks him from keeping her out of Andre’s clutches and they never really talk about what the blood bond means. As a ‘proper Southern woman’ as she always claims to be, how she could fail to thank him for saving her always galled me. And he’s too intelligent to fail to explain to her exactly what the bond means. Her not knowing is dangerous for both of them (as becomes obvious in later books).

Bombshell TWCS


Prompt from A.R.:  Could you please write a story starting in Book 4. I always wondered what would happen if Sookie said “yes” to Eric before the Witch War, when he offered to give up everything to stay with her.  We all know that she says no and that he loses his memories of her.  But what if she’d said, YES, turned around the car and driven back to her house?



Prompt from ncmiss12:  I have been wanting to see a story for a while that takes place when Eric sends the knife to Sookie, using Bobby. You know where Bobby gives Sookie vague verbal instructions on what to do object, that she is too tired to open or question because it is late at night, at work, right before her shift is over. She brings the bundle to Eric and presents it to him in a respectful manner, per the instructions, not knowing what it is, what it means or even what is going on or why.  So instead I would like to see, Eric command Bobby to bring her the bundle and a letter, right after dawn. Giving her time to process. With the letter explaining why she has to bring the knife to him and what it means and even why he is willing to do this for her and with her. Because I am sure that Eric is smart enough to know that even if Sookie says she doesn’t want to know his feelings for her, that it would help the situation. I think this surprise marriage is one thing, that caused even more problems in their relationship. It made him look weak to vampires and the king, that Sookie did not take their marriage seriously enough to live with him or call him her husband. I think that if Sookie had the morning and afternoon to think about it, she would have agreed to the marriage. I also think since she would have known what she was doing at the time, it would have had more meaning to her, so she would have respected the tradition and its meaning, even if it differed from her own.  In the thousands of stories I have read on Eric and Sookie, I have not found one that covered this idea!

Every Contingency


Prompt from Gwynwyvar: After the long shadow incident. What if Eric arrived the next night to apologize to Sookie. What if he was able to tell her about the blood effects then? Would she open up about her accidental slip into his mind? Would he see a picture of Hadley in the house? How many things could have been avoided and sorted out that night?

One Night WP

5. Given Unsought

Prompt from Lajayden1973: I would love to read a story where Sookie has to work hard to get Eric. I feel Eric seems to go all out to earn Sookie’s affections. What if Eric gets fed up and moves on (not to seriously) with maybe Yvetta or Nora, and Sookie just cannot stand it. Something where Sookie actually has to pursue Eric, instead of the other way around.

Given Unsought  TWCS

6. Not Without Action

Prompt from ericluver: I’d like Amelia to question why Sookie was so keen to break the blood bond? Why was she breaking it? Did she know everything about it? Did she know Eric’s reasons for forming it in the first place? And if she didn’t, had she let Eric explain? I’ve often thought that as Sookie’s supposed “best friend” who was planning to perform a spell of this importance, that she would make sure Sookie really knew what the hell she was doing and how it might affect Eric, that all parties involved knew what was going on etc etc. And then finding out that, NO, Sookie hadn’t let Eric explain much or talked to him about breaking it, frog-marched her to Fangtasia and told Sookie to pull up her big girl pants and stop being such a chicken shit! Then I’d like to see Sookie actually TALK to Eric about the whys and what’s of the blood bond. Maybe if she’d understood that the bond couldn’t create feelings but rather enhanced them, she wouldn’t have broken it. (Which was the point at which my level of disgust reached such proportions I threw the book across the room and never picked up another CH book!!!)Not Without Action

Feel free to write in your requests to the comments below anytime you have one…if you have one, that is. 



33 thoughts on “SHORTS: Story Requests

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  1. What if Bubba did not climb through the window to interrupt Sookie and Eric at Russell’s mansion? What if he didn’t interrupt them till much later. What if Eric was the one to kill Lorena and save Bill’s ass after Lorena goes after Sookie? How would things have changed for them?

  2. It’s been FOREVER since I have read the original books and I have been such a glutton with my ES addiction that I have read nearly every fan work I could get my eyes on – I have a what if curiosity but I am having a hard time separating CH from FF. Here goes… I hope you can decipher enough of my jumbled mess to garner an inkling of what I am trying to say-

    “What if”- at the infamous “Orgy” party hosted by Jane Bodehouse (I think it was Jane), Sookie was not able to completely resist or fight the madness of the Meanad? What if when all of the humas were exploding with the force of the madness, Sookie’s human half is fundamentally changed? Perhaps her Fairy side will have to develop to compensate for the human sides weakness? I hve often wondered how she was able to come away from that confrontation as intact as she was if she is mostly human. How would other things have changed?

    Perhaps this will spark something in your muse?

  3. I’d like to see a Sookie/Appius sitdown. I’ve no notion of how the story would get to that point, but i’d love a fic where events ended with Eric under Appius control, and Sookie negotiating for his release. But, i’d like to see it expand beyond the negotiation. A true discussion about Eric, and Appius claim on him. I’ve no doubt a fair amount of mocking would result. Sookie being an insignificant, soft, and young human girl who cannot understand what it means to be immortal, and the true meaning of survival.

    Something along those lines? 🙂

  4. Oh, and a continuation of the, Every Contingency-verse. What changes did the new understanding between Eric & Sookie, implement? Would we even recognise the SVM-verse a few years later?

    If you get inspired, and have the time, of course. Thanks. 🙂

  5. I can’t take credit for this one, because I’m stealing the idea — from you! I just re-read your story “Uncovering” and there is a scene where Sookie is wishing that she could go back in time to after she got into that car accident leaving the Fellowship and Eric was caring for her injuries, picking out the glass, etc. You had her say:
    ”Something that I didn’t recognize as important at the time. I heard only Eric’s part of his phone
    conversation with Bill, but it was clear that Bill argued when Eric said he was going to begin tending to
    me.”……. “Looking back, I can see things so clearly. Bill would have let me suffer
    longer—just to keep Eric away from me. Eric was—so different.”
    You had Sookie wish that she had recognized that Bill was a “selfish asshole” and that she had asked Eric to get her her own room and then asked Eric out on a date.

    So, that’s my prompt. Not that Sookie go back in time, but that she recognizes Bill and Eric’s behaviors for what they were at that event and asks Eric for a room and a date.

  6. What if Andre had survived the attack in Rhodes. Would he punish Eric and/or Sookie for Eric intervening when Andre tried to bond with her? Would Felipe have been able to take over the state?

  7. This idea comes from fairywithfangs1 who left this idea in a comment after chapter 12 of Given Unsought. I wasn’t sure she’d see the comment from Kat to add it to this list…so I’m doing it for her because I like her ideas!

    While I love the Viking with all my heart, he has never had to walk a mile in Sookie’s shoes.
    Why would she have any faith in him when he really has never shown her his true self? How would she trust him not to screw around on her when everytime she walks into his bar she gets hit with wall to wall Eric porn? Everytime they start to have a serious conversation he tends to deflect it with sexual innuendos! It really doesn’t scream “Sookie, I love you! Walk through the ages with me!”
    If anyone is looking for some story ideas…How about Sookie goes to Fangtasia one night to call Eric on his shit. The catch being that she can somehow share her telepathy with him and force him to see and hear all the crap she has to endure. Or also, a True Blood story for a certain basement scene. Except Sookie isn’t the whiny Bill loving harpy. And when the “see something you like” comment comes up she replies that “she would but it’s covered in cheap fangbanger crotch as usual”.

  8. How about Sookie and Pam are hanging out at Fangtasia one night looking through Hallow’s spellbook and Freaky Friday with eachother? Pam as a telepathic human and Sookie as the vamp snarky sidekick until they figure out how turn back.

  9. From Given Unsought, I would love to read what prompts Claire to need vampire blood and start to shift. It would be great to get a future view of what Eric & Sookie’s life has been like after the takeover attempt too.

  10. Would love to see 2 outtakes for Given Unsought:
    1. Eric meeting Claire for the first time. And of course Pam…gotta have Pam!
    2. Jumping forward in time to see the AP’s vision play out.


  11. I go along with 2 above. Fast forward to 17 yo Claire, mom Sookie, Dad Eric and Aunt Sophie dealing with a shifting telepathic teen who catches the eye of a very bad guy.

  12. Ok, I’m being greedy as the lovely Kat is working on my previous prompt at the moment! 🎉🎉🎉
    But I had another idea I’d like to explore. What if we went back to pretty much the beginning. When Bill took Sookie to Fangtasia originally. It always seemed a bit stupid of Sookie not to take advantage of the possibility of getting more information on what vampire blood could do to a human etc.
    I understand that she might have had Bills blood influencing her, but she was always pretty independent and outspoken, so why did she immediately believe Bill’s opinion about Eric (without even meeting the man) AND accept Bills claim that she was “his”.
    I’d like to see her a little more fascinated with Eric. Wary yes, but when he’s not threatening (which he wasn’t), pluck up the guts to try and confirm a few things Bill told her. AND stand up for herself and deny it when Bill states that she’s his.
    The whole telepathy/raid thing could still happen but let it be Eric who makes sure she gets home safely. I bet he’d offer a contract for her to work for him once he finds out more. I’d also like to see Eric look into Bill more and find out that he’s SA’s procurer.
    Not sure where they’d go from there but I’m sure Bill could be his usual douchebag self and cause problems. End him in brilliant and unusual ways….and then a HEA. 😀

  13. When Sookie has to go to fangtasia to divorce Eric, I want to know what would have happened if she called her fairy kin for back up. I want to see a story that shows her kicking Eric’s ass for that stunt.

  14. When Eric want Sookie to come to fangtasia to be divorced I just wish she would not go. If Sookie does not divorice Eric what kind of plans would have to be made. Would Sookie and her family have to go into hiding. Who would Sookie have to go to for help? Would Freyda and De
    Castro do some crazy shit to get Sookie to comply?

  15. 69 thoughts on “New Project: SHORTS”
    kleannhouse says:
    March 14, 2015 at 3:29 pm
    sounds like this could be fun and with your imagination, skies the limit… i am here if you need me. KY
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 3:54 pm
    You know I’ll count on you too. 🙂

    ncmiss12 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 3:39 pm
    I have been wanting to see a story for a while that takes place when Eric sends the knife to Sookie, using Bobby. You know where Bobby gives Sookie vague verbal instructions on what to do object, that she is too tired to open or question because it is late at night, at work, right before her shift is over. She brings the bundle to Eric and presents it to him in a respectful manner, per the instructions, not knowing what it is, what it means or even what is going on or why.
    So instead I would like to see, Eric command Bobby to bring her the bundle and a letter, right after dawn. Giving her time to process. With the letter explaining why she has to bring the knife to him and what it means and even why he is willing to do this for her and with her. Because I am sure that Eric is smart enough to know that even if Sookie says she doesn’t want to know his feelings for her, that it would help the situation. I think this surprise marriage is one thing, that caused even more problems in their relationship. It made him look weak to vampires and the king, that Sookie did not take their marriage seriously enough to live with him or call him her husband. I think that if Sookie had the morning and afternoon to think about it, she would have agreed to the marriage. I also think since she would have known what she was doing at the time, it would have had more meaning to her, so she would have respected the tradition and its meaning, even if it differed from her own.
    In the thousands of stories I have read on Eric and Sookie, I have not found one that covered this idea!
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 3:53 pm
    I think I can work with this. I’ll add it to the line-up. 🙂
    californiakat1564 says:
    April 26, 2015 at 8:32 am
    Hiya ncmiss!
    I wanted to let you know that I’ve begun your requested short! I have changed one thing though: I’m having Bobby give Sookie the letter/bundle at around 2:00 p.m. because I wanted to add a few elements earlier in the day before Bobby got there.
    There will still be the letter and some time for Sookie to process. I promise. 🙂

    gwynwyvar says:
    March 14, 2015 at 3:45 pm
    After the long shadow incident. What if Eric arrived the next night to apologise to Sookie. What if he was able to tell her about the blood effects then?
    Would she open up about her accidental slip into his mind?
    Would he see a picture of Hadley in the house?
    How many things could have been avoided and sorted out that night?
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 3:51 pm
    I think I can work with this. Into the queue it goes. 🙂

    Kittyinaz says:
    March 14, 2015 at 3:47 pm
    Reblogged this on Kittyinaz’s Reblog Page.

    lajayden1973 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 3:55 pm
    I would love to read a story where Sookie has to work hard to get Eric. I feel Eric seems to go all out to earn Sookie’s affections. What if Eric gets fed up and moves on (not to seriously) with maybe Yvetta or Nora, and Sookie just cannot stand it. Something where Sookie actually has to pursue Eric, instead of the other way around.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 4:09 pm
    Hmmm…I might not be able to do this “hard work” idea justice in just a short story, but I’ll add it to the queue and give it a try…

    ericluver says:
    March 14, 2015 at 4:45 pm
    I’d like Amelia to question why Sookie was so keen to break the blood bond? Why was she breaking it? Did she know everything about it? Did she know Erics reasons for forming it in the first place? And if she didn’t, had she let Eric explain? I’ve often thought that as Sookie’s supposed “best friend” who was planning to perform a spell of this importance, that she would make sure Sookie really knew what the hell she was doing and how it might affect Eric, that all parties involved knew what was going on etc etc. And then finding out that, NO, Sookie hadn’t let Eric explain much or talked to him about breaking it, frog-marched her to Fangtasia and told Sookie to pull up her big girl pants and stop being such a chicken shit!
    Then I’d like to see Sookie actually TALK to Eric about the whys and what’s of the blood bond. Maybe if she’d understood that the bond couldn’t create feelings but rather enhanced them, she wouldn’t have broken it. (Which was the point at which my level of disgust reached such proportions I threw the book across the room and never picked up another CH book!!!)
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 4:50 pm
    I can work with this. It gets added to the line. It’ll help to redeem Amelia a bit too. This is where I began–very much–to dislike her character, though I’d liked her before.
    ericluver says:
    March 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm
    I agree. Although I never read any further, I’ve picked up from reviews, fellow FBers and blogs what happened. I couldn’t stand her after that (not that I liked Sookie much by then either). While I’d expect a friend to help me if I needed it, if it was an almost life altering decision, I’d sure as hell make sure they knew what they were doing! Can’t wait to see what you might do with it 😄
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 6:45 pm
    I’m thinking trying an Amelia POV–kind of like a friend looking at her friend and that friend’s “boy”friend from the outside looking in….
    gwynwyvar says:
    March 16, 2015 at 3:51 am
    And a best friend – who is also a Supe… Should have access to info on if a bond can ‘create’ feelings. Which is really what Sookie wanted to know! THAT is what bugged me!
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 16, 2015 at 5:40 am
    So very true.

    valady1 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 5:05 pm
    What a nice gesture. I have at least one idea that I would like to see made into a short story. In Club Dead, the infamous trunk scene. Would love to see you write a story where Eric gets there in time to save Sookie (and if you want to have him accidentally off Bill, that would be a nice bonus). Just a thought. And I think the ideas suggested above are all great ones.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 5:32 pm
    Hmm…I could work with that.
    ericluver says:
    March 14, 2015 at 6:32 pm
    Oh yes please! That would have been my next choice…

    switbo says:
    March 14, 2015 at 6:03 pm
    Ooh! I love the Sookie says ”yes” to amnesiac Eric. That seems very intriguing.
    Personally, I was always appalled that after Eric saves her from being bonded to Andre by letting her bond to him instead, she never so much as thanks him from keeping her out of Andre’s clutches and they never really talk about what the blood bond means. As a ‘proper Southern woman’ as she always claims to be, how she could fail to thank him for saving her always galled me. And he’s too intelligent to fail to explain to her exactly what the bond means. Her not knowing is dangerous for both of them (as becomes obvious in later books).
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 6:06 pm
    I agree. I’ll add this to the line-up. I already have an idea.
    switbo says:
    March 14, 2015 at 6:21 pm
    Yay! I’m ridiculously excited!
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 6:42 pm
    You may jump up in the queue, thanks to the generosity of my original idea haver. She liked your “prompt” and asked me to write it first. I “might” have 500 words already. 🙂
    switbo says:
    March 14, 2015 at 7:36 pm
    *Squees like a teenage girl at a Justin Beiber concert*
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 7:43 pm
    1755 words and counting. 😉
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 14, 2015 at 7:43 pm
    And soda can bombs.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 15, 2015 at 4:02 pm
    9498 words and counting.
    switbo says:
    March 15, 2015 at 6:33 pm
    Ooh! I can’t wait! And I’m so grateful to the person who had the original idea for encouraging you to do mine first. I can’t wait to read that one too though, so I hope you do theirs next!
    gwynwyvar says:
    March 16, 2015 at 3:53 am
    ericluver says:
    March 14, 2015 at 6:34 pm
    Oh yes. This adds to and enhances what I was getting at 😄
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 17, 2015 at 6:16 am
    Two pieces of good news!
    1. The story, called BOMBSHELL, is written. Now I just need to revise it and get it beta’d! It’s rocking about 18,000 words and will likely find its way to five chapters or so.
    2. This is the best part: Sephrenia is going to build a story banner just off of your prompt too. I asked her if she would “take” this challenge with me–so to speak, and she has agreed. 🙂 How fun is that!?!
    switbo says:
    March 17, 2015 at 7:22 am
    Oh my gosh!!! I’m so excited I might just wet myself like a puppy. :p). I literally cannot wait!! Thank you so much! And thank you Sephrenia!
    switbo says:
    March 17, 2015 at 7:24 am
    Okay, not ’literally’, but the anticipation is brutal! 😉
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 20, 2015 at 5:04 pm
    Well–the first four chapters are with the beta–looks like it’ll be 6-7 chapters actually.
    The excellent news is that Seph’s banner is unleashed already! You can find it on my WordPress site. From the story indicators at the top of the page, just press “Bowbshell” if you wanna see it!

    melodiusnocturn says:
    March 14, 2015 at 11:31 pm
    How about a short story in which Sookie actually tells Eric about the Cluviel Dor,doesn’t save Sam and embraces her supernatural side completely and saves Eric from that binding contract to Freyda?
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 15, 2015 at 4:01 pm
    I might be able to work with this one. I will add it to the queue and let you know if I attempt and fail. Meanwhile, if another author wants to pick this idea up and run with it, that would be okay.

    Claudio Carletti says:
    March 15, 2015 at 4:03 am
    Looking forward to these short stories…
    How about a story where Sookie doesn’t reject Eric and decides to give a chance for a real relationship with him? ( Finale Season 4)
    Loved your banner with Dr. Ludwig!
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 15, 2015 at 4:00 pm
    I think that Back & Forth was my circumvention of the entire rejection episode. LOL. But I might be able to pull out a trick or two. I always wondered what would happen if Sookie didn’t give Bill blood after the staking episode. and only gave it to Eric. Would that work as a difference maker?
    Claudio Carletti says:
    March 16, 2015 at 4:36 am
    Yes I like this !
    Can’t wait!

    Lynn says:
    March 15, 2015 at 5:54 am
    This may sound silly but what if Sookie got drunk after cleaning Grans bloody kitchen and called eric to flirt. What if he came by to answer her challenge? He asked her where she was going in her night gown.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 15, 2015 at 3:57 pm
    Honestly, I don’t know if I can do a flirty Sookie at that time in the overall narrative. However, I could maybe do one where she “tries” to flirt and completely fails b/c of her grief. Would that be a good compromise?

    jocastasilver says:
    March 15, 2015 at 1:13 pm
    How about side story to the CN universe where you deal with how the rift that formed between Earl and Corbett Stackhouse. I’d be interested in seeing the “details” of how it happened.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 15, 2015 at 3:54 pm
    Hmm…I think i can swing this…I’ll add it to the line.

    desireecarbenell says:
    March 15, 2015 at 3:50 pm
    I always wonder why CH made Eric so money grubbing in the end and hung up on status. He never wanted to be King and had more money than he knew what to do with. Why oh why did CH make him seem like all he wanted in the end was power and money? I think that maybe he had some kind of spell on him and I think Sookie should have know better than to believe that about him.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 15, 2015 at 3:53 pm
    Hmm…this one might be hard for me since I just skimmed the last book. It’s a great question, but unless I actually read the whole thing, I’m not sure I can answer it by doing it justice. I will think about it more down the line, though. Meanwhile, if some other writer wants to take this on, that would be fine. 🙂

    Sam says:
    March 16, 2015 at 5:19 am
    Having been reading Inner, I was reminded that I never really thought the Lilith story was done much justice. It contradicted itself and I don’t think the writers really did it justice. What if Lilith wanted to be reborn in a day walking (i.e faepire) body?
    Love your fics.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 16, 2015 at 5:39 am
    Thanks for the compliment, Sam. To be honest, I don’t know if I’d do a Lilith-focused story justice b/c I truly dislike the character. You might shop this idea to another author. But I will let you know if I get an idea for it.

    sluggysmom says:
    March 24, 2015 at 8:46 am
    I would love to see a redo of book 9. I always felt cheated that we never got to see Eric and Sookie experience a real talk of their time together, once he recovered his lost memories. I would love to see them give their relationship a good and honest try without the interruption of all the ugliness that happened in book 9. Oh and lots of wooing….I really liked that from Bombshell. 😊
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 24, 2015 at 8:54 am
    Hiya, do you have a more narrow focus in mind? Remember that these are going to be “shorts,” meaning somewhere between 1 chapter and 10. To redo an entire book would be much longer! LOL. Do you have a particular moment that you would like to see go differently?
    Lemmie know.
    sluggysmom says:
    March 24, 2015 at 9:50 am
    Very true about the redo of a whole book. Sorry – I got a little greedy…LOL!
    I think I’ll back it up and say in book 8, a redo of Sookie’s response to Eric’s memories returning while sitting on her bed. Or a change in their relationship a day or so after the takeover (because her response to his memories returning was a little funny and understandable after the stress of the night and Quinn’s betrayal). 😊
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 24, 2015 at 9:57 am
    This, I could do as a short! I’ll add it to the cue.
    sluggysmom says:
    March 24, 2015 at 10:44 am
    YAY!! Thanks!!!!

    Lyndel says:
    March 24, 2015 at 10:01 am
    A story where Jason is born with a mental disability. He is sweet and childlike but oddly intuitive, warns Sookie away from Bill. Dawn & Maudette die and Sookie investigates because having telepathy makes her hate mystery.
    Oh and Jason and Bubba meet and hilarity ensues
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 24, 2015 at 10:10 am
    Hmmm…not sure this one strikes me. I’ve a brother with a mental disability, and I’d be afraid that if he read a story based on this prompt, he might think it’s about him…Let me give it a bit more thought. Meanwhile, feel free to shop it elsewhere. In the right hands, it might be great.

    Lyndel says:
    March 24, 2015 at 11:58 am
    I just always thought that a Jason like that could be an extremely endearing character, much like Bubba is.
    I shopped it to Angela once and I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I didn’t think you could respect the subject matter and do it justice by writing it well.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 24, 2015 at 12:03 pm
    Ah–thanks so much! You are too kind. I’ll keep it in my brain and see if I can think of something that would do justice to your idea.

    Viking Girl says:
    March 24, 2015 at 10:07 am
    Loved your story BOMBSHELL. It gave me an idea for a short. Could you pick things up in the same book–but where Eric and Sookie are dancing? Always loved that scene.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 24, 2015 at 10:11 am
    Hmmm…I think I could do something with this, but it might be a while. The line is getting long. Plus, I’ll probably want a little break following Bombshell and attempting this–so that they aren’t too close. I wouldn’t want things to get stale.

    HidingRouindTheCorner says:
    March 25, 2015 at 1:45 am
    Hey, I was wondering if you would be interested in, at some point – as I realise you are busy – doing a story where a tie/bond between Sookie and Eric (because he is the only vampire who loves her just that much) enabled her to read his mind if she focussed enough. It may be too similar to Bombshell for you to want to try though. If that is the case, then no worries.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 27, 2015 at 10:20 am
    Hmm…I don’t know about the mind reading thing for a new story. Eric and Sookie already kind of do this in my B&F Universe. It’s not something I want to do too much though. I think it’s because I don’t think I could do was well as Terri Botta did in LET LOVE IN, which was one of the first ff stories I read. Have you read that one? That story/series does exactly what you are looking for. That said, I will keep this idea in mind. Maybe it will work its way in somewhere. I’ll let you know. 🙂

    tj6james6 says:
    March 29, 2015 at 6:24 am
    I just read the idea about Amelia giving Sookie the information she needed but I’m of a different mind set.
    I never liked Amelia from the very beginning. She should have known better than to just let herself into someone’s home/room without so much as an invitation…especially when it was known that the person had connections to the vampire world…a world which could make her disappear with no one being any wiser about it.
    I’ve also questioned why Sookie didn’t question that herself any more than she did. Just because she can read a person’s mind doesn’t mean she’s getting the whole story–she admitted herself that she can only read what’s there on the surface, she didn’t know how to dig for memories and thoughts which weren’t at the forefront of the mind.
    So, my idea: instead of Sookie ignoring her own doubts why couldn’t she find out what she needed to know on her own? She’s fiercely independent so why couldn’t she find a way to get the information she needs in order to make more informed decisions on her own?
    Sam admitted that there WAS a website/discussion board/archive of anything supernatural…perhaps he left the browser open one day at work and she saw it…sparking her curiosity and urging her to look into things without depending on someone else to give her the information she needs when she can’t know for sure whether or not the person (vampire) is telling her the truth?
    It would still be canon Sookie—independent to a fault so why not let her take that independence and use it for something useful that would actually help herself which would in turn most likely help her supe friends because then she probably wouldn’t make some of the blind decisions, she would have the information she needed, so she wouldn’t come across as stupid or ignorant which could then circumvent some of her stubbornness.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 29, 2015 at 6:37 am
    This basic idea is interesting, but did you a point in the “time line” in mind? To make this a “SHORT,” I’d have to focus the concept in a particular situation or during a more particular time. Did you have something in mind, or would you want me to choose? Or were you thinking about the bond-breaking time-period? Before then?
    tj6james6 says:
    March 29, 2015 at 6:51 am
    Ahhhh, thinking….
    I can’t pick, lol.
    It is initially mentioned after Niall introduces himself to Sam with Sookie present.
    Perhaps she starts digging shortly after NOLA when she finally meets QSA? That is when we learned about Bill’s duplicity and betrayal for sure so she wants more information about vampires…notably Makers and their children, blood ties which leads to bonds and she is introduced to witches again. Too much has already gone down for her NOT to want answers to some of her more pressing questions.
    californiakat1564 says:
    March 29, 2015 at 6:56 am
    OKIE DOKIE. I’ll add this to the queue.
    tj6james6 says:
    March 29, 2015 at 7:00 am
    COOL! Thank you :). I know you’ll do it justice when it’s time.

    mazzablue says:
    April 5, 2015 at 12:26 am
    For me the one place in the books where I would like to see a “what if…?” is in book 1. Instead of shouting for Ginger after Eric stakes Longshadow, Sookie realizes that Bill is stood aside and aloof and she questions why? Is this something that you can see working as a short???

    susanj39 says:
    November 16, 2015 at 6:41 pm
    I’ve been thinking about this idea for a while, and MistressJessica1028’s tribute story (A Birthday Wish) to Angela/EricIzMine has prompted me to bring it forth. What about if you and some of the other talented FF/Wordpress SVM writers honored EricIzMine by continuing her unfinished stories? Start with any of them and take them forward. We all miss her and many of the stories are far enough along that you (CA Kat) and others could continue them in a direction that EricIzMine would probably have appreciated. I just re-read a few of them in the last month, and I hate that she died so young and left so many children, family, friends, and stories behind.
    This is not, of course, intended to take anything away from your original SVM stories. Your writing reminds me of EricIzMine’s, which is why I bring it up. What do you think?
    Thanks for considering the idea. I hope it prompts you all to consider some tribute-SVM combo writing. I’m sure other fans would enjoy them too!
    Susan J.
    californiakat1564 says:
    November 16, 2015 at 7:07 pm
    Hi, such ideas have been raised before, and I would consider participating, but only if such a project were endorsed by her family and her team of betas. I’m flattered that you think I could do a good job, and I would be honored to try, but–unless permission were in place already–I’d feel awkward about it.
    Sorry. If the situation changes, I’ll let you know.

    kimberlybiteme says:
    March 6, 2016 at 2:19 pm
    I always wanted someone some way to command Godric off that roof; and help him find his true purpose. Maybe with Sookies love for Eric, Sookie can wish to have more control over the situation. Making Sookie have basically a makers control over Godric. Sookie takes a mothering role in Godrics life, and helps him find his way. Godric mad over this whole thing acts like a brat most of the time.

  16. Request on a different post/moved over here so I don’t “lose” it. 🙂

    elliebaby says:
    June 6, 2017 at 8:20 pm Edit
    0 0 Rate This
    hi CK, big fan of your writing….would love you to write a human story where we are in the guts of their relationship ….starting from the beginning going through the middle of their lives with family and some angst and humor…through till the end….too many stories are about the chase and end once they get married or have that baby…..i would love to see what happens after they have that baby through to aging… maybe a true to life have eric be an actor and take it from there…

  17. Copying and pasting this to preserve it (it was put on a different blog)
    safariqueen73 says:
    June 7, 2017 at 4:59 am Edit
    0 0 Rate This
    What if Eric is a famous actor and Sookie is a very shy fan. She notices that he seems depressed and writes him a letter, never expecting that he would receive or read it. But he does and it shakes him from his monotonous life so he tracks her down to thank her. Things take off from there.

  18. What if when Eric meets Sookie, she is a vampire, either Nora or Godric’s child? There’s instant attraction between Sookie and Eric, but they are both idiots about it. Especially if Sookie’s maker figures out that sparks are there and tries to set Sookie and Eric up. Basically an AU rom-com involving Sookie and Eric.

  19. I have another idea for a story. How about the night of the take over. Instead of Bill being at Sookies house, he is at Fangtasia cleaning all of Pam shoes, for a punishment for some annoying thing he did. Then Eric orders Bill to help Pam take out Victors minions. Eric calls Sookie and tells her what is happening and calls hot shot and Sam for back up at her house. Amelia puts a stronger protection spell on the house. Eric, Pam and Bill take out all of Victors minions at Fangtasia quickly, then all the area 5 vamps run to Sookies house. At the same time Sookie calls her grandfather and Eric is not there to stop her. Niall shows up and starts taking out Victors vamps at her house and Eric and company show up to help finish the job. Ooops Bill is killed in this battle. Niall then Pops Pam and Eric to the queen and to help the queen kill Felipe. Then the queen lives. She does not stop Eric from going after Sookie when Thing one and two take her, saving her from torture. Eric being a older vamp and better fighter, he does not get silver poisoning from being bit. Eric and Sookie get to work on their relationship without Bill, making her question herself and annoyingly confessing his love to her every two seconds. The Sophie anne blocks the marriage contract. Makes for a happier ending!

  20. Copying and pasting so I can preserve this PM here:
    Subject: True blood

    Hey I love your stories for true blood and the sookie stackhouse novels. I’ve an okay writer and have tried writing a fan fiction with Eric and Sookie, but I can’t get their characters right. Your my fav writer when it comes to Eric and Sookie’s relationship and I had an idea for a fan fiction. If you like the idea maybe you could help bring it to life. We all hate how the show and even the books ended, so this would be set after the season 7 finale. Sookie has her baby which is 1/16 faerie. The faeries who believe in coming after those who are not full blooded try to steal Sookie’s baby. Her husband or the father, whatever he is gets caught in the crossfire and dies when their baby is barely 6 months old. Sookie finally realizes that there is no way for her to get out of the supernatural world and accepts her fate. She goes to a certain viking after 5 years to ask for his help to keep her baby safe. Let me know if you like the idea.
    Thanks, Ramona

  21. I would like to see a story that Sookie makes sure that Eric and Pam are both safe after sliding down the hotel in Rhodes. Instead of allowing strangers to take them “some where safe”. After what happened, lots of fellowship members were around. Whos to say there wouldn’t be fellowship member in the “safe place”? I can’t believe that Sookie just left them with strangers in the day light. She could have gotten them a vampire safe hotel room or Mr C could have found a safe house of the local king/queen. Then she could have helped Barry and met the vamps afterwards to fly back to LA, instead of riding with Quinn. Then maybe Eric and Sookie could have talked about what the bond meant for vampires and Quinn would not have had a reason to be in the state to collect intel for Decastro.

  22. What if the Ancient Pythoness recruited Sookie at a young age and trained her to utilize her powers? Then she meets Eric at Rhodes and sparks fly. I would especially love some “family esque” bonding scenes between Sookie and the AP, and Sookie and the other handmaidens.

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