Pink Hair and Roses: BITE AND SWITCH

Bite and Switch

by Pink Hair and Roses

Why I Loved It:

This story is an interesting spin on the amnesia storyline. In the tale, Sookie has never had anything to do with vampires before she encounters a half-naked Eric running down the road on her way home. Despite never having known the “real” Eric before, Sookie takes in the memoryless vampire. It is interesting to see Pink Hair and Roses’s take on how Sookie’s life would have been different if she’d never met Bill. However, what really makes this story special, in my view, is the characterization of Sookie. I found myself crying along with her life and celebrating her courage to love–and to, ultimately, fight for love.

It is quite angsty–so be warned.

That said, if you read my work, you likely enjoy a bit of angst! I hope that you like Bite and Switch–if you’ve never encountered it before. The author has other wonderful pieces as well!

Where to Find It:

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